October Overview
This month the STMSU held our Give ’em Pumpkin to talk about Social media contest below are all the entries The STMSU also held a pumpkin carving and costume contest at the thirsty scholar Thank Read more…
Welcome to the St. Thomas More Students’ Union!
We are a student-led, volunteer-run organization that works to support and advocate for STM students on various governance bodies within both STM College and the University of Saskatchewan. In addition to our work within student governance we organize and host various events for students every year; including both social and charitable events. Overall we are a group of dedicated students who love creating a warm and welcoming community for all!
Follow our social media accounts to stay up to date! Look out for contests, memes, and much more! 🙂
This month the STMSU held our Give ’em Pumpkin to talk about Social media contest below are all the entries The STMSU also held a pumpkin carving and costume contest at the thirsty scholar Thank Read more…
In an effort to support some of our wonderful local charities the STMSU will be hosting a Virtual Bottle Drive! Through SARCAN’s Drop & Go service anyone from across Saskatchewan can participate in this initiative Read more…
The fall term meeting times are below: Tuesday Nov. 16th @ 11:30am Tuesday Nov. 23rd @ 11:30am Wednesday Dec. 1st @ 3:45pm All meetings will be virtual via zoom until further notice The meeting links Read more…