Category: Elections

  • First Year Rep Candidate Profiles

    First Year Rep Candidate Profiles

    Ana-Sofia Moran:

    My name is Ana-Sofia Moran, I am a first year student in the College of Arts and Science and self-declared as a St. Thomas More student. I have a passion for science and I am hoping to pursue a career in pediatrics. Along with school I enjoy playing sports such as volleyball, golf, and badminton, reading, and cooking. I would love to be the first-year representative on the STMSU because of my extensive history with student leadership. I was my high schools grade representative in both grade eleven and twelve and loved giving my fellow classmates a voice on our student council as well as organizing fun events and activities for the school. I believe that I am a strong candidate for this position due to my outgoing personality, ability to work productively with others, and my unique ideas I would bring to the table. I am open to different ideas and would love to be able represent my fellow students this year on the STMSU.

    Geordie Cowan:

    Hi, I’m Geordie Cowan, I was born and raised in Saskatoon. I have a diploma in acting. I love stories, which include reading and documentaries. I enjoy soccer more than almost anything else, and I also love tea.

    I was the senior watch in my high school for my grade 12 year, and I was also the vice-representative for the student body in my final year at post-secondary theatre school. Within these roles I did a lot of relational work with the student body by getting to know them and listening to them and their needs. Even if I don’t have an idea, someone else might and it’s my job then to make sure they’re heard or seen. Within council I prefer to be an influencing voice instead of being the defining voice.

    The best contribution I can make to this team right now, is by being an active listener.

    Ways I plan to contribute in this role if elected:

    1. Finding and continuing effective ways to communicate and socialize online or safely in-person whilst in this time of global uncertainty.
    2. Helping students traverse the transition as they enter or continue post-secondary learning.
    3. Presenting a voice to those who want to express change or feedback.
    4. Encouraging students to have confidence as they participate inside and outside of classes.

    Grady King:

    Hello, I am Grady King. I’m a first-year arts and science student planning on majoring in cellular, physiological and pharmacological sciences. I was born and have lived in Saskatoon all my life. I enjoy many sports including hockey, as well as spending time outside and going for hikes.

    I want to be first-year rep because I want to advocate for the first-year St. Thomas Moore College students. I enjoy being in a position to help and represent others on more wide scale than just myself. I enjoy planning and participating in scheduled activities that builds a sense of community within the student body. Finally, I want to take this opportunity to learn more closely about how STMSU council operates and finds success within the student body.

    You should vote for me because I am a hardworking, dedicated individual. I always make time to help others and hear their concerns. As first-year rep I would be as vocal and active, as possible for first year students concerns during this difficult time. Even though this year will different and difficult, I will make it my priority to ask and listen to the concerns, difficulties and suggestions of St. Thomas Moore students.

    Yehia El Karsh:

    Throughout my high school years, I have always been involved in student groups within my school and local community, whether through athletics or leadership. I believe that it is through these extracurricular activities that people can develop their identities and build strong communities. Student bodies such as this group allow us to come up with creative ideas and
    events to improve students’ experiences, which is my goal as a first-year representative. In spite of COVID restrictions, I have been involved in extracurricular research activities since starting at the university this summer. I am constantly making an effort to improve other students’ first-year experience by creating group chats and meetings for us to establish a sense of comradery and succeed in our remote classes. Further, I am reaching out to many classmates in an effort to build a supportive learning community that is essential for our well-being as remote learners. This
    opportunity to become a first-year representative will help me voice students’ concerns and needs, especially during these precarious times.

  • First Year Representative and Students at Large Needed!

    *The deadline to apply for the First Year Rep Position is September 28th.

    The First Year Rep executive position is still unfilled within the STMSU. If you are at all interested in student government this is a great opportunity.

    Students at Large are also still needed if you would still like to get involved but do not want to run in an election.

    For the specific requirements and duties of these positions please refer to the constitution here: (it is very short and the relevant information is located in Article 11 section G. and Article 12)

  • MSC By-election

    MSC By-election

    By-election information

    Please download and complete the above form to participate in this by-election. When completed email the form to

    *Applicants will be notified of the exact dates for the election by email shortly

    Members of Students’ Council

    Members of Students’ Council (MSC) are usually elected in March to represent their constituency and are expected to abide by the USSU Code of Ethics. Since only one Councillor has been elected the vacancy must be filled prior to October 31st through by-election

    Councillors consult with their constituents and collaborate with fellow councillors to act as an advocate for students. The term of councillors begins on May 1 and ends on the following April 30.

    Meetings This Year are being held remotely over Zoom.

    For more information, please read the USSU Bylaw and visit

    The University Students’ Council shall be responsible to:

    • pass an annual budget for the University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union.
    • establish standing committees, boards, other committees and commissions from time to time that it considers advisable to make recommendations to the University Students’ Council.
    • establish policies and direction for the University of Saskatchewan Students’ Union in areas affecting student affairs and to give direction to the Executive Committee with respect to same.
    • promote, in cooperation with the Executive, the general welfare of undergraduate students at the University of Saskatchewan.
    • report back, on a regular basis, to the constituency group from which they were elected.
    • have final authority over the interpretation of the USSU Bylaw.


    • Due to distanced learning and the current ongoing health concerns meetings this year will be conducted through Zoom until further notice. Council Meetings are generally every Thursday at 6:00 pm with the exception of May, June, July, and August.

  • Election Results

    Congratulations to all of our incoming 2020-21 executive members of STMSU Council. The new Executive members take office on May 1st.


    Tay Spock

    Vice-president Academic

    Terryn Bateman

    Vice-president Operations and Finance

    Abbi Cross

    Vice-president Communications

    Alicja Rutkowski

    Director of Events

    Emily Roberts

    Member of Student Council

    Ryan O’Connell

  • STMSU Elections

    STMSU Elections have started! Send in your application before March 9, 2pm. You can find applications outside the STMSU office.
    Voting will be on March 13th, from 8AM-3PM. Good luck to all the candidates!