2023-2024 Executive Council

President – Abbi Cross
As president of the STMSU, Abbi represents the STMSU as a whole! She is responsible for the implementation of all STMSU Executive Committee decisions.
Abbi is a Psychology major currently in her final year of a B.A. Honours degree. She hopes to continue her studies at the graduate level with the goal of earning her Ph.D. in Clinical Psychology. Some of Abbi’s favourite activities are camping, baking, and spending time with her dogs.
Email: president@stmsu.ca
Vice President Operations and Finance – Gillian Skjei
As Vice President of Operations and Finance, Gillian oversees the STMSU’s finances alongside assisting the President in various STMSU initiatives.
Gillian is in her third year of an English degree and is planning to transition into a B.A. Honours in English this summer. She enjoys reading, photography, and all things literature.
Email: vpoperations@stmsu.ca

Vice President Academic – Henry Thiessen
My name is Henry! I am the Vice President of Academics on the STMSU. I am a second year student at the college taking Classical Medieval Renaissance Studies. I love reading and playing music.
Email: vpacademic@stmsu.ca
Vice President Communications – Angie Rutkowski
Angie is in her third year of a Psychology degree and plans to enter a B.A Honours in Psychology next fall. She loves creating art and learning about art and fashion history.
Email: vpcommunications@stmsu.ca

Director of Events – Raine Rusaw
Raine is in her second year of a Psychology degree. She loves her cats and spending time with her friends.
Email: directorevents@stmsu.ca
First Year Representative – Carmela S
Carmela is a first-year philosophy major and hopes to pursue law after getting her degree. Her current obsessions are Legally Blonde the Musical, The Secret History (by Donna Tartt), and Chanel runway clips from the 90s.
Email: firstyearrep@stmsu.ca

STMSU Representatives

Member of Student Council – Norah J
Want to see your face here? Join us!
We are always accepting new members and would love for you to be one! To get involved you can:
- Join one of our meetings (information found in the events calendar)
- Reach out to one of our Execs – all of them are more than happy to answer any questions you may have
Staff Mentors